Los aviones han recorrido un largo camino desde que los hermanos Wright volaron por primera vez en Kitty Hawk. Sin embargo, a pesar de las ventajas de los viajes aéreos, el servicio al cliente es una de las áreas donde las aerolíneas dañan rápidamente su reputación. Read more

Is your organization meeting its customer service objectives? No matter the industry you’re in, successful businesses need the right tools to operate properly. BARE International’s mystery evaluators provide an unbiased perspective of how well an organization is truly performing on the front line. Read more

ustomer Experience Concept. Young Man with Happy Face Showing Five Star Services Rating Satisfaction on Speech Bubble Card. Happy Client's Feedback and Online Review

Ever wondered what you can do to improve your customers’ experience with your brand? Now is the time to create a customer experience (CX) strategy. Read more

If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?

“I’d be a bird, to be able to fly”, that was Sylvain’s answer, one of our evaluators and the first person that BARE has ever sponsored.

But he is not the typical person that you might see in a 9 to 5 job; he’s a photographer, a traveler, and motocross rider in his free time. Read more

When Marketing and Customer Services produces satisfied clients, business booms. Having the possibility of analyzing customer experience and preferences in regard to specific criteria, within your company and your competitors as well, can act as the catalyst for motivating an enterprise to reach increasing levels of performance.

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